Red Bull
2019 Inspiration Honoree
Red Bull has demonstrated a deep passion for aviation since its inception. Their interactions with the skies has spanned everything from operating a fleet of iconic aircraft, building a one-of-a-kind aircraft hangar, creating a global race series, and partnering with some of the most skilled aviators in the world to help make their dreams a reality.
Highlights include the Red Bull Stratos mission, which enabled Felix Baumgartner to complete a record-breaking skydive from
the edge of space; the creation of the Red Bull Air Race World Championship,
which features the world’s best racing pilots in a global, competition; the Red Bull air show demo program, showcasing performances by the Red Bull aerobatic helicopter and Kirby Chambliss in his Edge 540; and the countless projects that have taken athletes to locations around the world including Mount Everest and the Pyramids of Giza.

Redbull Skydivers, Luke Aikens, Jon Devore, and Sean MacCormac perform the epic “Tuxedo Jump” entrance into the 2019 Endeavor Awards.